Insulating a Finished Interior Space with an Unfinished Exterior Space in Palm Beach County, Florida

When it comes to insulating a finished interior space with an unfinished exterior space such as an unfinished garage or shed roof area in Palm Beach County, Florida, there are some special considerations to keep in mind. As an expert in the field of insulation, I can provide some insight into the best practices for achieving the highest R-value and the most efficient insulation for this type of project. To start, it is recommended to use two inches of closed-cell spray foam on the sides and on top of the roof insulation. This will provide a much higher R-value than usual and should be buried with enough insulating insulation to achieve an R-value equal to the balance of the attic space.

Additionally, there are some types of insulation specifically designed to protect against radiation, such as EPS which is white in color and is popular because it is the most versatile insulating plate and has the best R-value per dollar of all insulating plates. Coated insulation can include a stapling tab to attach the insulation to the joists, while uncoated blocks (and some coated) are often ironable or “friction-fit”, meaning they can be easily inserted into wall cavities. Fiberglass roll insulation is a version of the common “pink” insulation found in many garages and single-family homes in the United States. If your single-family garage has a mansard area to insulate it, loosely filled insulation can be a very economical option, but keep in mind that you'll have to rent an insulating blower to get the job done. For metal roofs, it is recommended to use a vinyl-coated insulating blanket for a nice finish. When installing fiberglass insulation in your freestanding garage, it is important to use the right protective equipment.

Spray foam has become increasingly popular for some of these buildings, but there are also ways to install blocks, insulating and loosely filled metal panels in these garages. Metal buildings have their own insulation problems because of the need for vapor barriers and moisture retarders as part of the insulation process. A prefabricated garage with insulated walls, windows, and floors generally costs 15 to 20% more than an uninsulated garage; insulating the floor alone will increase the cost by approximately 10%. If the attic needs to be ventilated and the insulation placed at ceiling level, if there is no condensation control, close the cell again and install the insulation at ceiling level. In conclusion, when it comes to insulating a finished interior space with an unfinished exterior space such as an unfinished garage or shed roof area in Palm Beach County, Florida, there are some special considerations that must be taken into account. It is important to use two inches of closed-cell spray foam on the sides and on top of the roof insulation and bury them with enough insulating insulation to achieve an R-value equal to the balance of the attic space.

Additionally, there are some types of insulation specifically designed for radiation protection that should be considered. Lastly, when installing fiberglass insulation in your freestanding garage, it is important to use the right protective equipment.

Glen Winzler
Glen Winzler

Lifelong bacon fanatic. Infuriatingly humble web geek. Incurable music maven. Lifelong social media fan. Lifelong bacon buff.